Primary Attack & Pause Menu issues!

I am currently having issues with the rotation of my Player Character. I was able to get the running animations to sync to the players relative rotation so those are working just fine! I need to figure out a way to sync the primary attack animation now. I'm also having an issue with my pause menu where I can open and close it the first time with no issues but the second time i try to open it I crash. It has something to do with binding to a delegate that already has that same binding.

I demonstrate both the bugs in my video and its a pretty clear issue. I'm going to see if the issue might be in the PlayerCharacterAnimation bp. Because its being played as a slot animation and not a state. This way the legs can still run and the top portion of his body can still attack. I want to find where the disconnect is with the players relative direction since its still using the world direction. I still have a lot to look at but hey its still progress, right!

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